We’re Expanding!

Plans are under way to expand the Anthony Museum campus! We will be building a new interpretive center at the intersection of Brown Street and Jefferson Ave, about 900 feet from our current campus.

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The new building will have a 3,000 sq ft wing dedicated to the long-term care, conservation, and research of our permanent collection of invaluable objects, with state-of-the-art security, fire suppression, and environmental controls. We will have a 6,000 sq ft exhibit area featuring engaging, immersive experiences that will share the impact and relevance of Susan B. Anthony’s life and work. In addition to flexible space for programs, receptions, and the museum shop, there will be a catering kitchen and enough bathrooms to accommodate bus tours and school groups during the busiest seasons.

For eight decades, the Anthony Museum’s impact has been constrained by the capacity of its facilities. (The Susan B. Anthony House is limited to 35 visitors at a time, by fire code.) The campus expansion will increase that capacity five-fold! This will allow the Museum to accommodate thousands more visitors. During the sunny months, those visitors will be mostly tourists who come from outside our area, bringing economic growth. During the winter months, the Anthony Museum will have to capacity to expand our outreach and programs for our local community.

We are excited to move ahead with this project that will allow us to expand our reach and impact. The property, soon to be known as 1 Jefferson Avenue, has been acquired. The site and parking and exterior building plans have been approved by the City.

We have raised $16 million of the $25 million needed for the project. Once we have raised the balance, we will be able to take the next steps to break ground.

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