2018 Birthday Luncheon Recap

The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House held their Annual Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon on Wednesday, February 14, 2018, at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center in Rochester, NY.

The date was the bicentennial of the date that Frederick Douglass chose as his birthday and the  day before Susan B. Anthony’s 198th birthday on the 15th. Along with celebrating the  birthdays of these two human rights activists and friends, the Birthday Luncheon celebrated their accomplishments, and reminded us of their unfinished work.

The keynote speaker for the 2018 Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon was Elaine Weiss, journalist and author of  The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote, a narrative account of the dramatic climax of the woman’s suffrage movement, which will be published by Viking in March 2018.

Here is a video of the Luncheon, with emcee Deanna Dewberry, Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo (about 7:15), NYS Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul (about 12:00), Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren (about (20:55), the Anthony Museum Board of Trustees Chair Sharon Salluzzo (about 26:33), presenting sponsor Kitty Van Bortel (about 33:00), President and CEO of the Anthony Museum Deborah L. Hughes (about 46:00), and keynote speaker Elaine Weiss (about 60:00). Don’t miss Deanna Dewberry’s stirring closing remarks.




Luncheon attendees received a copy of our 2017 Impact Report. If you would like to read this report, you can download a PDF here.

Impact Report-Final

2018 Annual Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon

The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House

 presents the

Annual Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Noon to 1:30 pm

Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center

123 East Main Street • Rochester, New York

A New York World reporter once observed that Susan B. Anthony “kept the fun barometer way up! At the Annual Birthday Luncheon  on February 14, 2018, there will be much to celebrate.  This February 14th is bicentennial of the date that Frederick Douglass chose as his birthday and is a day before Susan B. Anthony’s 198th birthday on the 15th.

Along with celebrating the  birthdays of these two human rights activists and friends, the Birthday Luncheon celebrates their accomplishments, reminds us of their unfinished work—and challenges us to “take the wheel.”

The keynote speaker for the 2018 Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon will be Elaine Weiss, journalist and author of  The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote, a narrative account of the dramatic climax of the woman’s suffrage movement, which will be published by Viking in March 2018.

“2018 is a bridge year between New York’s suffrage centennial in 2017 and the centennial of the 19th Amendment in 2020,” says Deborah L. Hughes, President & CEO of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House. “There is no better time to bring this scholar whose writings explore the road to women’s suffrage to our Rochester audience.”

Weiss’ first book, Fruits of Victory: The Woman’s Land Army in the Great War was excerpted in Smithsonian Magazine online, and featured on C-Span and public radio stations nationwide. Weiss has also given presentations at the Library of Congress, National Archives, Smithsonian Museum of American History, Hull House, the Chautauqua Institution, and many other major libraries, historical societies, and universities.

Reservations are now closed for the 2018 Luncheon, and we look forward to seeing you on February 14th!

Sold Out Crowd for 2016 Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon

Layout 1Rochester, NY – Billie Jean King and Susan B. Anthony have proved a winning combination! Thanks to an overwhelming and enthusiastic response, the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House is pleased to announce that the 2016 Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon is officially sold out. This milestone, ten days before the event, is the earliest ever for this annual luncheon.

The Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon is held each year in mid-February to celebrate Susan B. Anthony’s February 15th birthday, to honor contemporary women who continue her legacy, and to raise awareness of the educational and inspirational programs offered by the Museum.

This year’s event will be held on February 10th at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center at noon.

Questions related to this event may be directed to luncheon@susanbanthonyhouse.org.

Media inquiries may be directed to Sarah Murphy Abbamonte, Director of Communications, at 585/279-7490 x 15 or sarah.abbamonte@susanbanthonyhouse.org.

From our president & CEO…

This past year has been one of triumph and challenge. In so many ways, Susan B. Anthony’s life and work seem more relevant than ever as we head into 2016.

The Anthony Museum began 2015 with an exciting Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon focused on the accomplishments of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Lynn Sherr addressed a sold out crowd of more than 1,000 guests who were moved and inspired by the life story of Sally Ride, America’s first woman in space.  Our theme, “Thanks to Susan B., We Can Reach For the Stars”, inspired many to contribute their own video messages of thanks.

In March, the United States commemorated the March on Selma fifty years earlier, but as the year unfolded, we were confronted with many ways in which racism is a part of our present world, not just a subject to be learned from our history books.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 also celebrated its 50th anniversary this summer. Susan B. Anthony envisioned a day when no one would face the barriers or injustice of prejudice; however, recent court challenges and new legislation in some states continue to demonstrate what she knew to be true: the vote is so powerful that there are those who will contrive to control it for their own ends.

Thanks to the release of the feature film, Suffragette, this fall, we experienced a surge of international interest in women’s history. The Friends of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House hosted a sold-out screening of the film, which was followed by a panel discussion of the history behind its powerful story.

Just this past month, we celebrated the empowerment of women in Saudi Arabia as they cast their ballots and ran for local office for the first time. This despite the fact that Saudi Arabia is still an absolute monarchy that limits many basic rights and freedoms for both men and women. We are reminded of those women in the United States who were enfranchised at the local or state level, but waited another three decades or more before they would have a vote in their national government.

A reporter once asked Susan B. Anthony how she endured the decades of work for woman suffrage with mostly losses to show for her efforts. She responded, “Defeats? There have been none. We are always progressing.”

In that spirit, THANK YOU for helping us keep Susan B. Anthony’s vision alive. The world still needs her message of equality, freedom, and justice for all.

~Deborah L. Hughes, president & CEO

#ThankYouSusanB Contest Announcement

Our 2015 annual Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, February 11, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center!

Lynn SherrThe keynote speaker will be award-winning journalist and author, Lynn Sherr. Sherr’s latest book is Sally Ride: America’s First Woman in Space. She is also the author of the 1996 Failure is Impossible: Susan B. Anthony in Her Own Words. Inspired by Sally Ride’s story, this year’s luncheon theme, “Thanks to Susan B, we can reach for the stars!”, is a celebration of the legacy Anthony’s life & work has had on the stellar woman of today.

Sally Ride: America's First Woman in SpaceThe public is invited to share the impact of Anthony on THEIR lives as part of our #ThankYouSusanB photo & video contest. Entries may be submitted online via Twitter, using the hashtag #ThankYouSusanB, or Facebook, by posting the submission to the Museum page. Submissions will be accepted through February 4, 2015. Selected entries will be screened at the luncheon on February 11. One entry will be randomly chosen to receive a signed copy of Lynn Sherr’s Sally Ride: America’s First Woman in Space.

2014 Susan B. Anthony Annual Birthday Luncheon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, December 3, 2013
CONTACT: Ellen K. Wheeler, (585) 279-7490, ext. 15, Director of Public Relations & Communications

National Susan B Anthony Museum & House announces annual birthday luncheon speaker!

Rochester, NY—The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House proudly announces that its keynote speaker for the Annual Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon, to be held Wednesday, February 12, 2014, is Louise W. Knight, author, lecturer, and historian.

In making the announcement, Anthony House president and CEO Deborah L. Hughes shared that the theme of the 2014 luncheon is “Up and Doing.” It’s a subject Louise Knight knows very well, as she is the author of two biographies on Jane Addams, one of the late 19th-century and early 20th-century activists in moving public perception and attitudes. Prominent in the battle for woman suffrage and a friend of Susan B. Anthony, Addams is perhaps best known as the co-founder of Hull House, the nation’s first settlement house. Knight will focus on Addams’s and Anthony’s ideas about democracy and how each of them put those ideas into action— “up and doing”—for the causes they held dear.

In addition to her Addams biographies, Louise Knight’s writing has been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and the Women’s Media Center website. She is currently working on a book about Angelina and Sarah Grimke, two abolitionists and women’s rights advocates of the 1830s.

The Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon is held each year in mid-February to celebrate Susan B. Anthony’s February 15th birthday, to honor contemporary women who continue her legacy, and to raise awareness of the education and inspiration programs that take place at and through the National Historic Landmark on Madison Street. The luncheon takes place at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.

Annual Birthday Luncheon Photos

Anthony House President Deborah L. Hughes and U. S. Ambassador Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook at the podium.

Presenting sponsor and 2013 corporate partner, Kitty Van Bortel, challenges the crowd to “DO ONE THING.” 

11 year-old Za’Aisha Mizell tells the audience what Susan B. Anthony means to her.

Ambassador Cook gives the keynote address at the Annual Susan B. Anthony Birthday Luncheon

News 10 NBC’s Janet Lomax serves as emcee for the luncheon.

Rochester Mayor Tom Richards greets the crowd.

Board chairperson Jennifer Martlew presents the Anthony House report.