Monday Lecture Series – May 2022

Lecturer:  Meredith Roman, PhD – The State College at Brockport

Too Black, Too Strong: Angela Davis’s Revolutionary  “Freedom Dreams” and U.S. State Violence 

Meredith Roman

Angela Davis is a revolutionary feminist who has exposed America’s white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist order for over five decades. Dr. Meredith Roman shares how U.S. leaders mobilized to neutralize Davis in the late 1960s and early 1970s, serving as a reminder that in the age of “Black Lives Matter,” American anti-Blackness and anti-radicalism is nothing new.

This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET.  Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.

To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.

NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.

Monday Lecture Series – April 2022

New to the Monday Lecture Series Schedule! Note change of Date & Lecture!

LECTURER: Rebecca Hall, JD, PHD
Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts


Dr. Rebecca Hall is a scholar, activist and educator, who writes and speaks on the history of race, gender, law and resistance, as well as on climate justice and intersectional feminist theory.  Her recent highly-acclaimed graphic novel, Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts, weaves history and memoir that focuses on slave revolts in the Middle Passage and in New York City and her own quest to uncover this unwritten history.

Wake went viral when it started as a Kickstarter campaign, earning coverage in Hyperallergic and Bustle. Dr. Hall has spoken about her work and Wake to eager audiences at the National Antiracism Teach In, the Schomburg Center’s Black Comic Book Festival and at Black Gotham’s “Nerdy Thursdays” at the New York Historical Society. Wake was selected as Steph Curry’s June Literati Book Club Pick. An Indie Bestseller, Wake has also received glowing reviews from The New York Times, NPR, and The Guardian, calling the graphic novel “stunning,” “powerful,” and “a must-read.”

This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET.  Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.

To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.

NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.

Monday Lecture Series – March 2022

Lecturer: Deborah L. Hughes, President and CEO, National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House 

The Changing Faces of Susan B. Anthony

Deborah L. Hughes, President & CEO of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House
Deborah L. Hughes

Description of this lecture to come.

This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET.  Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.

To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.

NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.

Monday Lecture Series – January 2022

Lecturer:  Dr. Elizabeth Masarik, PhD, The State College at Brockport 

Teacher, Activist, Radical: The Life and Legacy of Jovita Idar

Dr. Elizabeth Masarik, PhD

Born in Laredo, TX to a political family, Jovita organized La Liga Feminil in 1911 to push for women’s rights. Idar was an advocate for women’s suffrage and a champion of children and the poor. During the Mexican Revolution she traveled throughout Mexico with Carranza forces and formed La Cruz Blanca (the White Cross) to nurse the wounded. Join Dr. Elizabeth Garner Masarik for an engaging discussion of this overshadowed feminist icon.

This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET.  Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.

To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.

NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.

Monday Lecture Series – December 2021

Lecturer: Karen Lankeshofer, cycling enthusiast. 

Elsa Von Blumen: Woman Racer of 1880

Karen Lankeshofer

A premier female athlete before a “woman professional athlete” was thought possible, Elsa Von Blumen, was a prominent figure on the bicycle-racing scene in the 1880s. All but forgotten today, Von Blumen grew up in Rochester, NY, and was soon enticed to try high-wheel bicycle riding. Join us to hear Karen Lankeshofer talk about this unrecognized hometown pioneer.


This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET.  Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.

To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.

NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.

Monday Lecture Series – October 2021

Lecturer: Shenette Garrette-Scott, PhD

“Banking on Freedom: Black Women in U.S. Finance Before the New Deal” 

Did you know that between 1888 and 1930, African Americans opened more than a hundred banks and thousands of other financial institutions? Dr. Shennette Garrett-Scott explores this rich period of black financial innovation and its transformative impact on U.S. capitalism through the story of the St. Luke Bank in Richmond, Virginia: the first and only bank run by black women. Join us to hear about the formidable Maggie Lena Walker, a Black woman who made her way from teller to boardroom, as she met the needs of middle and working class Blacks against the threats of white and male supremacy.

This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET.  Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.

To become a Monday Lecture Series Season Patron or to purchase individual lectures,
 please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.

NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.

Vines + Stitches Benefit

Saturday, September 11, 2021 1:00-4:00 PM Hunt Country Vineyards

4021 Italy Hill Rd, Branchport, NY 14418

This fun event is staged at an historic Finger Lakes vineyard, where you’ll enjoy a trolley ride around the property, taste a curated selection of wines from the award-winning Finger Lakes wine region, enjoy a delicious sampling of foods from The Hideaway, and view the 2020 Quilt, the Anthony Museum project that was created for the Centennial Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

Eat, drink, and mingle as you enjoy a special afternoon at this Keuka Lake vineyard.

Capacity is limited. Reserve your spot today.

Your health and safety and that of our other guests and staff are important to us. Please note that proof of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event is required for entry. We request that all attendees wear a mask in indoor spaces or when physical distancing is not possible while at the event.


For additional sponsorship opportunities, contact Lesia A. Telega, Director of Development
& Membership, at 585.279.7490 ext 712.
This event to benefit the Anthony Museum.

National Nursing Week

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. It features a host of events across the U.S. to honor nurses for the work they do, and educates the public about the role of nurses in health care.
The Anthony Museum is proud of our connection to the nursing profession. Susan B. Anthony advocated for the standardization of nursing education and licensure by championing the passage of the Nurse Practice Act in 1903. Read more here.

Private On-site Bus Tour

This is a closed, private event. If you are interested in arranging a private group tour for your school group, organization, or family, contact 585.235.6124 x 1 or email

Wreath Hanging Ceremony

National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House Commemorates
Susan B. Anthony’s Death and Legacy

The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House will host a ceremonial wreath hanging on the front steps of 17 Madison Street, the National Historic Landmark that was Susan B. Anthony’s home and headquarters, on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.

The brief ceremony commemorates the 115th anniversary of Susan B. Anthony’s death and will include remarks by Anthony Museum President & CEO, Deborah L. Hughes.

Events of this past year have shown us that Susan B. Anthony is as relevant as ever, even 115 years after her death. Come join us as we celebrate the life and accomplishments of this remarkable woman who called Rochester her home.

This event is free and open to the public.