Anthony Museum Closed
The Anthony Museum and its Administrative Offices will be closed today.
The Anthony Museum and its Administrative Offices will be closed today.
The Anthony Museum and its Administrative Offices will be closed today.
The Anthony Museum and its Administrative Offices will be closed today. The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House presents The 2022 Susan B. Anthony Birthday Celebration Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 6pm Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center | 123 East Main Street | Rochester, New York Keynote Speaker: MiMi Aung We’re pleased to welcome MiMi Aung as the keynote speaker for the 2022 Susan B. Anthony Birthday Celebration. Aung is an engineer and former project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Aung was the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Project Manager from the earliest stages of development in 2014 through the successful completion of flight tests on Mars. Recently, Aung joined Amazon Project Kuiper, an initiative to increase broadband access through a constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit. She is motivated by the opportunity to extend high-quality broadband to more places, including unserved and underserved communities around the world. Aung has received numerous accolades, including Time Magazine’s Time 100: The Most Influential People of 2021 and BBC’s 100 Women 2019.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required.
Unable to attend? Please consider making a year-end gift! Click HERE to make a gift.
This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET. Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.
To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.
NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.
Angela Davis is a revolutionary feminist who has exposed America’s white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist order for over five decades. Dr. Meredith Roman shares how U.S. leaders mobilized to neutralize Davis in the late 1960s and early 1970s, serving as a reminder that in the age of “Black Lives Matter,” American anti-Blackness and anti-radicalism is nothing new.
This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET. Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.
To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.
NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.
Dr. Rebecca Hall is a scholar, activist and educator, who writes and speaks on the history of race, gender, law and resistance, as well as on climate justice and intersectional feminist theory. Her recent highly-acclaimed graphic novel, Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts, weaves history and memoir that focuses on slave revolts in the Middle Passage and in New York City and her own quest to uncover this unwritten history.
Wake went viral when it started as a Kickstarter campaign, earning coverage in Hyperallergic and Bustle. Dr. Hall has spoken about her work and Wake to eager audiences at the National Antiracism Teach In, the Schomburg Center’s Black Comic Book Festival and at Black Gotham’s “Nerdy Thursdays” at the New York Historical Society. Wake was selected as Steph Curry’s June Literati Book Club Pick. An Indie Bestseller, Wake has also received glowing reviews from The New York Times, NPR, and The Guardian, calling the graphic novel “stunning,” “powerful,” and “a must-read.”
This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET. Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.
To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.
NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.
Description of this lecture to come.
This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET. Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.
To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.
NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.
Lecturer: Dr. Elizabeth Masarik, PhD, The State College at Brockport
Born in Laredo, TX to a political family, Jovita organized La Liga Feminil in 1911 to push for women’s rights. Idar was an advocate for women’s suffrage and a champion of children and the poor. During the Mexican Revolution she traveled throughout Mexico with Carranza forces and formed La Cruz Blanca (the White Cross) to nurse the wounded. Join Dr. Elizabeth Garner Masarik for an engaging discussion of this overshadowed feminist icon.
This lecture will be presented online, with each presentation offered to registered guests at 1pm ET. Individual lectures are available at $30 each, with limited number of viewers.
To purchase individual lectures, please text monday-lecture-series-2 to 585-440-8825
or call 844-787-2626 (844-SUSANB6) or click here to purchase online.
NOTE: The link to the online lecture will be sent to registrants the Friday before the scheduled lecture.
Click here to listen to the reading!
Dear Nurses,
We congratulate you, Nurses, for contributing to the health and well-being of persons and communities during a tumultuous year of the Covid-19 pandemic. We honor you for caring for others in wellness and sickness. Nurses are recognized for being the most trusted health care professionals in the United States for good reason.
We applaud you, Nurses, for providing incredible patient care for persons, ill with the Covid-19 virus, doing everything you can to make sure your patients have the best chance of survival. We celebrate your victories and mourn your losses with you.
We admire the physical and mental risks that Nurses take, as you care for patients and face your own vulnerabilities, to a virus that is still spreading in variants across the country. We appreciate the expertise and sacrifice of all Nurses caring for critically ill persons. We also also honor Nurses administering Covid-19 Vaccinations while promoting access and encouraging others to get vaccinated to protect themselves, their families, and their communities from this illness.
Each day, take professional and personal time to care for yourself. Pause to realize the comfort and good you have provided to so many people.
The Nursing Friends of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House thank you and celebrate Nurses Week with you!