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Members of the National Susan B Anthony Museum & House are invited for a special member-only event with Dr. Ken Florey on the evening of Friday, August 19!
Professor Kenneth Florey is a long-time specialist in Woman Suffrage Memorabilia, his collection having been recognized both here and abroad for its comprehensiveness. He has published two books on suffrage: Women’s Suffrage Memorabilia: an Illustrated Historical Study and American Women Suffrage Postcards: a Study and Catalog.
All members are invited to a reception with Dr. Florey at 6:30 pm in the Carriage House behind the Visitor Center at 17 Madison Street and to view his exhibit “Original Artifacts from the Susan B. Anthony & New York State Campaigns”. You will also have an opportunity to purchase his books for signing!
As space is very limited, please let our Membership Director, Lesia Telega, know as soon as possible but no later than August 12, if you will be able to join us! She can be contacted via phone at 585.279.7490 x12 or email at lesia.telega@susanbanthonyhouse.org.
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